Who Watches This Podcast
Welcome to the WHO WATCHES THIS podcast channel! We are your hosts Barry & Colby from Las Vegas, NV. We hope your ready for a podcast about movies you might have never heard about. From b-rated movies from small studios to foreign films that might have flown underneath your radar. We'd love to be the digital version of the movie rental guy at the VHS rental shops you use to visit!We'd love to hear from you as well if you have any request for theme months that we do. Make sure to email us at whowatchesthispodcast@gmail and we look forward to all your suggestions.
Podcasting since 2019 • 271 episodes
Who Watches This Podcast
Latest Episodes
They did WHAT!? This month were talking about movies you didn't know that have famous actors in it.Today were talking about:2005's Constantine As a suicide survivor, demon hunter John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) has litera...
Season 1
Episode 267

People Under The Stairs
They did WHAT!? This month were talking about movies you didn't know that have famous actors in it.Today were talking about:1991's People under the stairs where When young Fool (Brandon Adams) breaks into the home of ...
Season 1
Episode 266

Killing Season
Retired Agents come back whether they love it or notToday were talking about:2013's Killing Season where In an attempt to shield himself from the painful memories of the war in Bosnia, an ex-soldier seeks solace in the deserted moun...
Season 1
Episode 265